Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Who are We to Judge?

As it is, there are lots of things shunned by the norm of our societies. Marrying one's teacher, for example, would definitely be shocking news indeed to those who know of it. But as people's minds are progressing, some parts of the so-called "norm" were abolished. Still, too much remains. There are some things that were of no bad consequence at all, yet still banished by the people in general simply because they cannot stand the insult to their long-standing beliefs.

For some instance, when presented with an idea that proved better than the "society norm" way, most people will simply reject it because "Its simply not the way it should be." Especially when these ideas involve "untouchable" issues.

Truly, tradition did arise from generations of accumulated wisdom, but sometimes, why not rebel against it if the act is logical? After all, there are some aspects in tradition that could be refined so as to adapt to the difference in modern lives. I would not want to offend anyone by disrespecting the old ways, but I hope that being skeptical and logical in life would be far better than being a tad superstitious. There may be boundaries that are set for our good, but there are also boundaries that are made to be pushed against if we were to achieve new heights in the world.

In the end, the point is: who are we to judge others simply because they are different? We are but fellow people compared to them, just less... eye-catching. So we should just accept people for who they are, while changing things that can be changed for the better.

Monday, December 1, 2008

One and One is Two.

Light : Right, let's start talking.
Dark : (Bored) Just get this over with quickly.
Light : Don't you ever think that this might do us good?
Dark : Do you?
Light : ... We have to confront each other at times, whether or not we want to.
Dark : Keep talking.
Light : (Near exasperation) Sometimes I wish you never existed.
Dark : I'm not as stupid as you. (Light appears affronted) Whenever there's me, there's bound to be you. Without you, there's no way left to express me.
Light : True. Heights are nothing if not for the depths they towered over. Yet sometimes, why are the depths preferred?
Dark : Maybe its because the heights are already so full, people were pushed off to the depths all the time. Therefore they'd chose to stay in the depths, for that place never gets crowded.
Light : Who judges that?
Dark : Nobody does, but everybody executes it.
Light : Are there other reasons?
Dark : Yes. Some people were born suffused with my, let's say, "touch". They chose my path delibrately, for reasons only they themselves, and no other, can fathom.
Light : Yet many walk beside you because they were coerced, forced, or belied to.
Dark : Of course, I do not deny that. But how many more had walked beside you simply out of resignation, simply because that is their so-called "norm"?
Light : (At loss for words)
Dark : (Continuing without missing a beat) Those who chose to walk by my side, willingly, know exactly what they are doing. Can you say the same of those who do so beside you?
Light : Well... almost.
Dark : ... Yet, my kind are the ones shunned, for you are the chosen one.
Light : (Seizing the opportunity) And why? Because we are doing forever better than you could ever achieve. Our actions may differ, but you would never take my path because you can't, whilst I do so because I chose not to.
Dark : Empty words. If a man walks beside either of us to with his own soul, he did so with his very choice, not with any outer coercion. I do not deny that you can overcome me, but it was long known that you would never vanquish me.
Light : We are made to do this forever, then.
Dark : No. As you said, our paths differ. Only when our paths cross do we clash. For now, though, our paths have diverged. Until we meet again.
Light : (Looked around as darkness descended. Saw nothing of Dark when light returns.) Until we meet again, then. Forgot to tell you that some people fear me more than they fear you, because I hold more unknowns than you, because I blind people without a cure, whereas they can see what is within your folds.
Dark : (Very faint) That would be the irony. Oh, by the way, the one who crossed our paths by deliberation? He walks by me.
Light : As he wishes.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Expert's e-Village. Wow.

Have you ever wanted to learn something fancy that'll catch someone's eye, or simply just to know something you've taken an interest in? Then if you haven't know about this, here's one place that may help you attain some knowledge through watching videos - and no, I'm not talking about YouTube. No, actually, its Expert Village.

YouTube was never my cup of tea, since most of the videos I've seen there didn't leave much of a meaning to me - but that was for another post entry. Back to Expert Village. Why is it special to me? For one basic reason - you get good-quality videos from people on any topic under the sun, from keeping scores in tennis, to hip-hop dance moves, to organising beauty pageants. Yes, you didn't get the last one wrong. How cool is that?

Another reason, is that those videos are really produced, uploaded by, and approved by, professionals. If you doubt it, there's an article below every video that shortly describes the experts on the video, such as their occupations, their academic achievements, and such.

Unfortunately, I can't find a way to embed a video or two onto this post entry, due to problems with the HTML scripts. So instead, try to visit the site yourself when you have the time. Trust me, its worth taking your time to sign up to the site, then search for videos on any thing that came accross your mind.

Currently, I'm watching its featured video on how to do a magic pen trick. Anyway, this goes on to show us that the Internet has a treasure trove for us if we presevere. Sometimes, we simply have to look under every nook and cranny, until we looked into the right place, and voila, there it is for our taking.

That, I think, would be one of the many good things about the Internet - when you have a sense of adventure as you dive into the sea of knowledge.

"Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what you're gonna get on your next bite." I guess the same goes for the Internet.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Blue Wolf (Part 6)

Dusk. Ryanne sat resolutely in front of the cave, the place where she had met the mysterious rogue, Iatn. She sat, with patience she'd learned from him, determined to wait for him to appear and tell her the truth he promised her.

She was just about to give up when his voice rang out.

"So you're still here."


Ryanne couldn't help but cried out in joy, seeing him coming out of the shadows. She was close enough to hear him muttering, "Too bloody inquisitive for her own good." She didn't mind that.

"I suppose you want to hear my story now, so make yourself comfortable and listen carefully, because I'd only tell this once." That got Ryanne's ears pricked up. Se took her usual place, lying beside Iatn, as he started recounting the his life to this future fellow Traveller.

* * *

"I am once an Alpha-" Ryanne gasped, not out of surprise, but rather out of awe, "-I led my pack with my mate for some seasons. We had a good life - food was plentiful, the neighbouring packs were respectful to us as we were to them, and such. "

"Then, they came. Who they are, not one of us knows. They are not natural. These - monsters -" Iatn spat the word with absolute hatred, "- They destroyed our homes. They held me, watching helplessly as my mate, my brood was slain before my very eyes. Then, they release me, and vanish without a trace. "

"Ever since then, I've been travelling, moving from one place to the next, searching for them, wanting to avenge my pack or die in the process. Yet, I have found no scent, no trace, no sign of them. But during my travels, something happened to me. This had grown on me."

As Iatn spoke the last words, he reared up. Ryanne gasped as she saw a mark on his body, so familiar because she wore it herself on her right paw. On Iatn's stomach, lined in blue fur of lighter hue, was a newborn moon, under which a river of stars flow. Even though Iatn lay perfectly still, the flowing stars seemed ever undulating moving in front of Ryanne's eyes as patches of blue fur on Iatn's body changed hue to suit the movements of the celestial bodies. Ryanne's own symbol was much smaller, but it shared the similarity that the symbol moved too.

Once Iatn had laid down, he continued, "Wit this... symbol on my body, I found that I slowly became stronger, faster, physically better. There are other changes," He added when he saw curiosity in Ryanne's eyes, "But theos are for each Bearer, each Traveller to find out."

"What-" Ryanne began, but Iatn cut her short. "Now, let me finish my tale first. All will be told in time." When she fell silent' he continued, "At last, I found the desecrators of my pack in a faraway and desolate place. With my newfound strength, I defeated them, though not without undue effort. Since then, I have been wandering around, searching for you."

"For me?"

"Why yes, Ryanne. Now that I've found you, I now know that you are, not yet ready. For now, your life will not be troubled - trust me, that I will come for you again, and take you to the place where you will truly belong."

"But I belonged here-" Ryanne's protest died away when she realized that Iatn was no longer there. Not by stealth and speed - for she knew that no wolf can just slipped away beside another like what Iatn did. Ryanne had so many questions she'd want Iatn to answer, but now, she would have to wait for another time.

Looking out towards the moon, Ryanne silently made a promise. "We will meet again, Iatn. I trust you." Then, she padded back to her home, her right paw tingling as her own symbol flows.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Blue Wolf (Part 5)

No sooner then his foe twitched his last at his feet than he'd found himself surrounded - by her mother's pack. He didn't even needed his senses to tell him that he could never break through their ranks alive.

Her mother - Shyle - stepped forward, tail high in the air, fangs slightly bared. Wisely, he kept his tail down. She watched him anxiously, hoping that he may have a chace of walking out of this contingency alive, slim chance though it seems.

"Who are you? Why are you here?" asked Shyle.

"I am called Iatn - " Finally, she'd known his name! " - And I am a rogue. The reason that I wandered this deep into your territory was because I am hunting."

"These humans?" scoffed Shyle. "They are worthy enough as your prey?" Iatn did not answer, waiting for Shyle's next remark.

Then, suddenly, Shyle's glare soften as she glanced at her daughter the rogue had saved. "While no rogue who penetrates our territory this deep should be left alive, I am not ungrateful of what you did, for you saved my daughter's life." "Yet," she continued, "No wolf that does not belong in this pack belongs here. Join us, or leave this place. " There was a murmur of growls during her proclaimation, but Shyle silenced them all with a glare,, then stared back at the rogue. "Its your choice."

Secretly, she'd hoped that he would stay, but his words dashed that hope immediately. "My apologies, but... no."

"Then, good hunting to you," Without another word, Shyle's pack retreated behind her, leaving Iatn free to go. As he turned to leave, she could not help it but pouted. "But..."

"Silence, Ryanne!" Her mother snapped. Iatn, upon hearing the name, turned sowly and gazed at the youngling's eyes, then padded out of sight. Ryanne could only watched as Iatn went in cover and disappear from sight.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Blue Wolf (Part 4)

The tension is nearly palpable. To Shyle's thinking, they were in a disadvantage. In the open, they'd lost their best form of offense and defense. Then there's the matter of their - her - young. No matter whether they win or lose, precious blood will be spilled before the sun rises again. This could bode ill for her pack's future.

She didn't spare much time brroding about this, because the humans were inching closer with each breath she draw. Carefully, she marked each human with their scent, tagged less than a dozen, including two muzzled hounds. With a silent signal, she ordered her pack to be ready. Then, she'd pounced.

As one, half her pack leaped into the bushes, every wolf aiming for their respective targets throats. They know well that this fight has to end as soon as possible, lest they suffer casualties that proved fatal in the long run.

The hound-mastiff's were the first blood shed. Shyle's mate ripped his throat before he'd even release his hold on the dogs' rein and muzzle. With a primal growl, Shyle sent those half-cousins away, tails between knees. Her own target was similarly killed, but one of her wolves was shot through her skull.

Shyle could smell their remaining foes breaking ranks and retreating, and she barked an order to restrain them from giving chase. Too late, she sensed one left still standing. The human was now cocking his gun, aiming it at her beloved daughter, along with the other helpless young. None of her pack, including herself, was near enough to knock him down, rip his throat. Shyle watched, almost helplessly, as the human male pulled back the finger hooking the trigger.

* * *

He was waiting for this all along.

Admittedly, he'd realised soon enough that the humans couldn't have possibly win against such a large, vigilant pack. Yet, he stayed and watched, in case there was something he'd have to do.

There. That's it. The fight was won, right after it had begun. It was two wolves against one man, two wolves as determined to protect their pack as the humans were to completely erradicated the threat to their village. There was no question.

Yet, his target wasn't cowed by the odds. Their was an odd glint in the human's eye, now that he was close enough to observe. Suddenly, he realised it: the look of a creature who also had something held precious destroyed right in front of his eyes.

The human raise his gun, oblivious to the danger. Following the human's aim, his heart jolted when he'd seen the target. Her!

Without a second thought, he pounced, fangs aiming for the back of the human's neck. The force of his leap knocked the human's aim skywards, missing the cluster of young cubs and nearly grazing a wolf in the human's path. Before the human can react, he sink his teeth down on the humans neck, breaking his spine.

Monday, September 8, 2008

The Blue Wolf (Part 3)

The hunters are closing in on the pack's resting grounds. As they moved, he noticed one of them, a lean, gaunt, bearded man, who moved with a grace and determination that matched the blaze in his eye - the right one was covered by an eye patch. He'd presumed he was blinded. That human was definitely the leader of the ragged group.

He called them "ragged" because aside from their leader, all of them humans would never stand a match against a true wolf. He could tell that these humans were hunting wolves because they need to do it. Her pack probably have been feeding off their lifestock lately, leaving them without a means of food for the coming winter.

No matter. He's a wolf, and though rogues don't normally interfere with problems of another wolf pack, he'd prefer the victory of his own kind against those despicable humans. He'd immediately marked the gaunt leader as his primary target, though he'd need a distraction to close in unawares on the human.

* * *

Shyle lied on her stomach, having eaten a full meal. Her daughter laid beside her, seemingly brooding. Shyle put it as her daughter having a moody fit. Not fitting for being a warrior and alpha in-making. She'd have to find a way to root it out sooner or later.

Little did she know that her daughter was thinking about a rogue she'd been meeting with for some time.

Suddenly, her sentinels let out a warning yip. Humans! Shyle immediately got on guard, followed by her daughter. wondering zhat foolishness caused the humans to track them this far, Shyle nevertheless issued orders to form a protective circle around the young. She will protect her pack, no matter the threat or the outcome, because she hold her family - especially her only daughter who'd survived after birth - dearer to her heart than her life. To forfeit her pack, would mean to forfeit her honour and her life.

As her mate took his place beside her, Shyle dropped, preparing to pounce at the slightest hint of her enemies' whereabouts.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

The Blue Wolf (Part 2)

Autumn. Three months had passed. She came to him a few more times. Sometimes, something caught her attention, and she'd ask curious questions in a neverending stream - he'd answered the all. Other times, both of them just sat or lied close to each other, neither conversing with sound, but with subtle gestures, such as a nod of the snout, a glance, a flare of nostrils. She was still waiting, he knew, for more glimpses about his own life from himself, but he was just as patient. He know the time was not yet then, but it would come soon.

That day had come.

Rising from his midday nap, his instincts immedtiately howled danger. He bounded out of his den, and the scents in the wind confirmed his suspicions. Humans. He bared his teeth as he thought of what he would face soon, grinned inwardly in anticipation at the thought of having to do it.

The humans are moving southeast, towards the den where her family had been resting. Wasting no more time, he loped eastwards, downwind, so that he can track the humans and learn of them.

Let's hunt, he called, to the winds, the the earth, to the skies.

* * *
The humans are lounging on the ground, each and every one of them arming themselves with the guns and nets. He was watching them from afar, and noted that they'd only brought two dogs, which means that these humans weren't capable enough to enlist the aid of more - or dangerously confident in their capabilities.
No matter. Either they'll be scared away, their non-existent tails between their knees, or they will have their throats ripped apart. He slinked away, leaving no noise, no trails, not even scents that can be picked out by the hounds nose.
Now, to set up the scene - and give both sides in the inevitable battle a surprise. For he knew, in his heart of hearts, that these people will not give up the hunting of wolves, ill-equipped they may seem.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Blue Wolf

Red sun, yellow skies, orange clouds,
Dawn to all those within darkness shrouded.
All brothers and sisters out there,
Cross not the teritory,
Nor the path that I bear.

Sprightly buck, helpless fawn, doe the protector,
Black moose, brown elk, forest conquerors.
All seemed alert and wary,
Yet myself they all overlooked easily.

Blue moon, black night,
Yet another meal that sustain the spark of another's life.
Deep snarl, loud cry,
That freezes all that listens,
As well as those within sight.

Small hill, tall pine,
A howl from the sillhoute that is mine.
Proud nature, cruel fate,
Tonight, who slumbers on,
And who stay awake?

She recited the verse in her heart, as she did so many times before -and, with the silent recital comes the question that finally comes out of the mouth, to the one who composed it, "But...... don't you ever feel lonely?"

He smiled at her, fully understanding that she could not yet comprehend the way he did for the very term 'lonely'. She is too young, after all - barely half his age, and at this time of her life, she's yet to cross the Rubicon and attend the baptism of fire. Still, his instincts told him sound and true - she is special compared to others her age. "Little one, when you lived as I did to my age, you'll learn to appreciate and enjoy being lonely."

"Really?" she sounds unconvinced. "Mama says that all of us will feel that need to mate, to form a pack on time or another. She says that it is what every wolf does."

Sadness flickered across his face, as his remembered his pack, his life in it, and the catastrophe that destroyed it, tearing almost everything he once held dear away from him. But he restrained his thoughts, hiding his emotional turmoil from the youngling in front of him, and said, "Well, I'm not your average wolf, now am I?"

When she did not respond, apparently in thought, he seized the chance and said, "Look, dusk is coming. You wouldn't want your parents to find you missing when they return from their hunting. Go back to your nest now."

When he said that, she'd usually hurry away with a hasty goodbye, but this time, her eyes bore into his for a moment before she opened her mouth, tried to speak, then closed it again with a shake of her head. Then, she turned around and padded away, reluctant to leave.

He watched her form disappeared into the bushes, his blue fur rippling as a breeze played around his form. There's something knowing in his eyes.

She will be back again. And, he will wait until she is mature enough, then he will tell her everything.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

VG and Me

By VG, its video games, be it from the consoles (I own a PlayStation and a PlayStation2), or the PC. Believe me, I started playing VG since I was 5 years old, could install it by 6, and owned at least 15 games before I was in third year of my primary education. It didn't matter to me that 30 percent of the games I owned was not actually suited for my age - I delibrately changed the "blood colour" settings in my first Serious Sam into green to make it look "more realistic".

Now, though, I changed my prefered genre of VG to adventuring RPGs and RTS - role-playing and real-time-strategy for those who didn't know the abbreviations. My favourite? Age of Mythology , Warcraft III (I'd only use it to play DotA, though) , Orochi Warriors (PS2) , and the Digimon World series (2 and 4) , to name a few.

I loved it whenever I executed a move using my character that left his opponent lying and knocked out. I grinned in delight when an opponent army fell for my ruse and was lured out of the safety of his city, only to be completely annihilated by my own, far more superior army. and I simply love it when my Juggernaut just come out and execute a Double Kill in the span of 15 seconds.

Am I addicted?

Nah, I'm just obsessed.

Its what most teens are caught up with, right?

To me, it doesn't matter why I'm so, 'cause I don't think VG is going to be everything in my life. aside from reading and exercising, this proves to be my recreational activity - and one that lets me unleash all of my tension in one go.

So, I'm definitely playing on.

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Greens

When I came to brood about it on a dreary, moody day, I realized that half the plants grown in my house had already been there since I was a toddler. This means that we grew up under the same roof, cared for by my father. Half brothers, then.

The Cactus - This one stays in my living room all the time. It never gets out to enjoy direct sunlight nowadays, and hardly recieves any water at all. Still, it survives in a less-than-friendly environment. Even without the elements much plants would need to grow out of seedhood, it continues to stand proud, teaching me to not be down.

The Orchid - The subspecies that my father cares about the most, these orchids are beautifully, simple. There is no flair in them, yet they can struck quite a chord in the hearts of those who appreciate it. Still, I 'd like them more if they had fragrance.

The Bonsai - These little pot-plants have been twisted to form shapes my father desires. He uses copperwires to do the job. If you look closely, the stems actualy bulge out from the restricting coils, so the wire now cannot be pulled out ever again. Good thing my own life ain't that twisted, though sometimes I wish it wasn't as restricted.

The Lotus - Ahh, the gentleman of flowers. Surprisingly, their petals fall off soon after the flower blossom. That leaves the stalk in the middle, standing tall above the leaves and swaying in the wind. Its nakedness did nothing to dim its beauty, rather it made me thought otherwise.

So there it is, four amongst the plants that grew up with me. I wasn't much of a plant lover, but its great to just stare at them, take pictures of them, or even smell them - even though the plants are scentless.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

One World, One Dream...

Sigh... As the world prepares for the one-and-only international sports event that's gonna be a blast, I'm stuck preparing for the one thing that sets me back on my heels - the school exams. Yep, at the exactly the 8th of August, Friday, I'm gonna be mentally bracing myself for the paper thats gonna arrive in minutes.

Yet, that cannot even put a damper on my spirits. True, my results will most probably go down, doubtlessly because of me dividing my attetion between exam preparations and watching the Games with the world. Still, I will show my passion, the dream that I share with the world, to the world.

To all those who will compete in the Games, I wish them luck and peace, whatever their results in their competitions. But to those of my own country, Malaysia, I wish them Malaysian atheletes to be able to prove themselves worthy, to be able to open the eyes of those who look down on them, to let us be able to be proud of our nation, our fellow countrymen.

The days leading up to the Beijing Olympics are not exactly peaceful. What with certain political issues, discord has been sown among some factions, riots have appeared on the streets. Still, I believe that the rest of the world would still stand united when they celebrate the upcoming event of all time. I believe that sports should not be connected with politics, and therefore those people who wish to create chaos during the Olympic Games will never succeed, since there are more in the world who share my views.

Finally, let all of us share the dream as we share the world. Let us all celebrate the Olympics as is proper, no matter our skin colour, race or culture

Monday, July 7, 2008

Double C in School means Co-curriculuarlly Cool

To me, my school life before I turned 14 is pretty much dull and sleepy. That's because my life at school back then would be study, books, and gossip. Not anymore, I say with relish. Now, club activities not only just breathe in some fresh air, they've became the soul of my school life. I'm positively grabbing every opportunity to attend co-curricular activities.

First, there's the club I'm in that sometimes organise social work to let me provide to others, to give rather than take; the days I spent trying to crack a hole in my opponents chess defense while turtling up my own pieces to be as impregnable as possible to any attacks. Finally, there's the days spent in the sun as we drill to our commanders orders. gritting our teeth while drops of sweat sting our eyes and bearing the pain as we do push-ups on the blistering road at 3.00pm. Then onto the competition, when all our training paid off, and the hall echoes with our footsteps as we put all our focus into our performance.

But all in all, the best thing I have found in co-curricular activities is the sense of being, of belonging. Between me and my friends, there's a brotherhood formed by the things we did that bring trust and faith amongst us. It was welded through the "battles" we fought together, tempered by the loyalty we've shown for each other. It never matter who leads, because we know, fully, that everyone was equally important in the team.

With them, I guess I've found the clique where I can truly belong. Maybe this will be the end of me, as the lone Traveller. Then again, perhaps not.

Monday, June 23, 2008

Mad Maths

I recently read an article that says something 'bout reasoning. Naturally it caught my attention, since i was studying mathematical reasoning just some weeks ago. When I peruse it, it mentions that those reasonings were only usable in maths, and would hardly be useful in practical life. In fact, it uses someexammples that turns out to be very comical. Take a look at this:

Statement 1: A is B.
Statement 2: B is C.
Conclusion: A is C.

A standard example would be:

Statement 1: 8 is a multiple of 2.
Statement 2: A multiple of 2 is a even number.
Conclusion: 8 is a even number.

Now, check this out:

Statement 1: Some boys are Senior High students.
Statement 2: Some Senior High students are girls.
Conclusion: Some boys are girls.

Wow. Impressive. However, once I reconsult my notes, I found a major mistake there. The statements can, and have been in this case, modified by the quantifier "some". That very word can cause the truth value of the trio above to be changed, since the connection between the staements and the conclusions are frayed.

Lesson learned: Next time, be careful about what you hear.

Saturday, May 31, 2008

To All Teachers in the World

Commonly known is the fact that teachers, the engineers of human soul, are a most valued and noble profession. Their price? Neverending subtle work, as they have to mold not just the brain and heart of a youngster, but the future of the whole world. Teachers used to be authority figures in the past, respected by folk all around. About 45 years ago, if a kid or a teen told his/her parents that they've been punished by teachers, the parents would likely give them a beating before apologising to the teacher personally for their children's misbehaviour.

Now, teachers have been put to more of the same level of students. Students' behaviour has now changed drastically. Of course, the respect is still there, but it is more in the mutual sense now. Sudents now usually take to teachers at an early stage, then the relationship can evolved to be two-way, where both teacher and pupil can learn from, and teach, the other.

As with any relationship, if the one between student and teacher went wrong, it usually means that both can do domething to make it better. I know students are more prone to causing the damage, therefore I would like to urge students this - If you're not going on well with your teacher, find a way to like him/her, then make amends to the relationship. After all, teachers will only be with you for 1 year, morfe or less. So appreciate them. You'll never know when you'll thank them to the heavens for their tutoring.

Friday, May 23, 2008

To a Tutor, With the Best Wishes...

Okay, I know this isn't my typical style of posting, but then, this isn't a normal post. Please at least allow me to pour my heart out, as this serves as a very, very personal background for my next post about the teachers:

Being a co-curricularlly active senior student at my school usually means you're very busy during "special times", including the start of the year. Well, during that time, I've been spending more time at school outside of classes rather than in. The subject that I skipped the most is National Language ( NL) classes. I probably skipped about 5 lessons out of six per week for at least 3 weeks.

And then She came. Miss Helen. She was...... really tiny. Even at below average height when compared to my classmates, I had to lower my sight if we're both standing and going eye-to-eye. You can try to immagine how she'll look beside most of my classmates. Suffice to say, they towered over her. She's a trainee teacher, fresh out of the lecture halls, ready to take a peep at this daunting world of education. Guess what she teaches? Precisely the subject I skipped the most.

My first occuring thought when she walked into the class and introduced herself, "Missy, you're in for a gigantic mess. Not many teacher's 'survive' their trainee period here, so...... (shrugs) Your life ain't gonna be easy. Good luck...... you'll need every bit of it. "

At about mid February, its widely known that she's easy-going enough that some are really tempted to push her to the limits. I had to admit, I was one of those few sometimes. So once, I cracked a joke on something she just said(You know which one, Miss - "leg-cross" is the word). She didn't even wince. That kind of made me raise my eyebrows, in a good way. Since then, I decided to stop myself from getting too far. No good playing this game if you respect someone, and I started to respect her.

And so, I began to start focusing in her class. It was a little late, as mid-March was just around the corner on that time, and she's leaving in late April. Still, her classes are amongst the few I did not skip or sleep in with impunity, to say for my somewhat "rebellious" acts. She was an excellent teacher, willing to both teach and learn from her students. Sometimes, she could inspire some and bring out the best in them. Her only flaw in teaching is her inexperience. She probably needs some time to develop her own "signature style".

Late-April - Her trainee period was over. She left our school at the 25th. For me, something did not feel alright. At the time, it was as if something was missing, or out of place, right...... thear. We still managed to get in contact, though I'm drowned in exam preparations.

Miss Helen left for her hometown at the 5th of May. I considered it my fault for didn't see her off at the airport, since her plane was scheduled to take off after my school hours, as well as the fact that my home was not far from the airport - 15 minutes drive at the most. But then and there, she's leaving, and I am definitely missing her. Undeniably, my original NL teacher teaches far better, yet I'm also irresistably sleeping in her classes, a sign my friend CJ (no, his number is not 7 and he's not blubbery and fluffy) didn't fail to notice. (Heck, I'm falling asleep in most of my classes - Biology, Physics, Moral Education - and I still feel pangs of guilt when I think about it.)

All in all, there's no doubt about me. I've grown to actually...... well, I don't know how to phrase it myself, though "care" seems to be a slightly suitable word for it. Yup, I care about her more than a normal student cares about an average teacher. She is becoming more to me than just a mentor, a tutor. Here's a verse I excerpted and translated from a song, 保佑我 , "Bless Me", for Miss Helen, with the lyrics changed:

Bless her, to be a most distinguished teacher,
Bless me, to be able to cross that horizon to meet her again.
Bless her, so that she'll recognize me when we see each other again,
Bless me, to know her small, lithe form everywhere.
Bless her, to lead a life far happier than mine,
Let her life be blissful and full of laughter and light.

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Of Battles, Wars and Fights...

Battles have been and will always be waging in the universe. Fights have been and will always be fought anywhere, anytime. From the dawn of time, every species of living beings on Earth, have fought rigourously to continue their existence, from the tiniest microbe, to the gigantic dinosaurs, to us, the humans.

Even today, in a civilised human society, there are plenty of causes for fights - a bar brawl, for example, may simply occurs just because someone ate too much peanuts. Sometimes, the fights are not neccessarily physical. Even in our very selves, light and darkness are struggling with each other, as good and evil contest to lay claim to us.

No matter what battles you fight, seldom does the chance occured that you fight to lose. In order to win any battle, you must first know your self, your enemy, your battleground. As Sun Tzu quotes in his Art of War, "To know thy self and thy enemy is the key to win every one of a hundred battles." Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of you and your opponent will allow you to exploit them and gain the upper hand.

Yet, we sometimes lose ourselves in the heat of battle. We got carried away, and we sometimes did things we might regret. "When you're pushed, killing comes as easy as breathing," said Stallone, and its not just the act, or thought, of murder that may come to us. So, we must know, when we are fighting, what exactly are we fighting for, be it to protect others, to test our strength, etc.

For myself, I fight just for the sake of fighting. The strain, the adrenalin, the injuries suffered - they all break the monotony of my life nicely. And as I said, those fights aren't neccessarily physical. The nature of life is that when one battle ends, another will begin in its place. Looks like I wouldn't be stopping anytime soon. Battle on!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Music - Part of My Life, My Soul.

Alright, anyone out there who'd never listen to music? If so, Then you're either deaf (my sincerest sympathies) or inattentive to the sounds around you. Music isn't just some piece of squiggles on lined papers that maestros write and translate into vibrations of the air, it is simply the feeling you get when you listen to sounds around you, when your heart is at peace or soaring. Music is a universal language for all to hear - it lets you relate to it to others who'd have the same feelings. It is one of the greatest most beautiful things of the world, and you have my greatest sympathies if you cannot appreciate it.

Nature has its own symphonies. Compared to those writen and orchestrated by humans, each and every one of nature's are far grander, more beautiful, more powerful, more terrible, more touching, more...... The list goes on. You get what I mean. It resonates with the very fibre of the core of humans, stikes a chord so deep within us, we'd never realise it until then. The gentle trickling of streams, the rustle of wind-blown leaves , the roar of thunderstorms... these are all the music that Gaia, Mother Nature herself, write and play, and we, as children of the nature, should revel in their presence, and learn to be at one with our All-Mother.

Man-made music had always strived to match nature in that aspect, to produce music and lyrics that are capable to struck that chord in our soul. Some release the wild side within you, some move you to tears, others may have different effects on you. Yet, I believe that if you play out the song with your heart and soul, everyone who would listen could appreciate and relate to it like you do, especially if they had a similar connection to the song as you have, or, just a connection with you. (Try "High School Musical")

Nowadays, popular musical artists are so famous, their lives were on the constant interruption from fans and reporters. Some stray from the path. Instead of producing music because they love to do it, they do it for the money. The fame. Some even go for certain "promotional" pieces in order to sell their music better. Sigh......

Music is one of the passions of life. Yet, some people twisted it for their own perverse gain. As a listener, there's nothing I can do, except listening in silence to the music without bothering what happened to the people involved in its production. I mean, who cares if people boycott a certain artist's song because he/she had a scandal? Just appreciate the music. I didn't ask you to care about the artist, or the producer. All artists die like people do, but true music is ageless and will remain immortal.

Don't turn music into business, or politics, or something else. Music has been around for a longer time than even humans. So stop pretending that its a man-made discovery or invention that can be twisted. LOVE THE MUSIC.

(Su Ziheng, this post is for you, from a music lover, to another. Thank you for inspiring me about a topic on music. I guess having a friend who shares a name really makes a difference.)

Friday, March 21, 2008

Why Do You Live?

Almost everyone had thought of commiting suicide one time or another in life. Yet most continue to live on, as they see new light. Others who weren't so fortunate... Well, may they find peace in afterlife. If it exists, that is.

However, since we can't prove that it does, let 's assume it doesn't. Then, why would you choose death over life, why choose to end it? Is it because of the accident that happened to you resulting in your crippled condition? Then know that many have been born with worse, yet they continue to flare their spark of life no matter how short the time left for it to burn bright. Is the wound to you mental, rather than physical? Say you've lost loved ones, and not just by death? There've been many who lost everyone they've loved in wars, disasters, famine, yet they found others to love and be loved. Is it simply because you cannot find the drive to live? Then what, exactly, rouses your passion?

What has been the drive to survive for living beings around the world? Observing the history of the living, its obvious that many were drived to be immortal. Not in the sense of lifespan, of course, but every animal and plant wanted to ensure its continued existence on Earth through leaving its trace in the form of genes. Yep, if you can't live on as yourself, then live as the on whom you borne.

But in the civilised life of today's humans, that is not what you'd call "the way". Rather, there are some people who were immortalised for their deeds - both good and bad. Just take Mother Theresa and Adolf Hitler for exaxmple. Yet, not everyone can change the world. You can change the lives of those around you, though. How you change it is entirely your choice.

Before that, there's one step you need to start with. Change yourself. Choose to live, not to die.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Are You Beauty?

My face looks terrible. Acne dotted everywhere, the skin looks dark red after regular sunburns, and to top it off, parts of it are flaking! Too bad my skin have to endure this until after April, as my training will still continue under the sun 'til then.

Despite the condition of the skin of my face, I still think I don't look uglier than normal. What would you think under the situation? Scream like crazy everytime you look at yourself in the mirror? Groan at the touch of your zits? Come on, pal - feeling bad about yourself does no good to you. If anything, it'll only make you worse - several studies have already proven it. The more you worry, the worse it goes, you worry even more... It's a negative cycle that'll soon leave you in despair if you don't pull through.

A couple of weeks ago, I read a quote from Hannah Tan, Malaysia's popular beauty icon, which says, "Both beauty and health exists naturally in tandem. Neither can be taken for granted." She also sees beauty as "an inner strength and charismatic persona, rather than what people see on the outside".

Of course, you can argue that she's only saying that for show, but that's beyond the point here. She speaks the truth, willingly or not - true beauty is as it does. If you accept that you are beautiful, then you are, no matter what others think of you. (Don't overdo it to the point of vanity, though.)

Then, there's a story about Beauty and Ugly: that they both went for a bath together, and Ugly delibrately left early, wearing Beauty's clothes, leaving her with no choice but to take Ugly's. Beauty does exist within some of those who wear Ugly's dress; sometimes the Beautiful dress is used as a facade by Ugly. We can't judge truly which is which, but we can choose to wear whose dress, and to be with whom truly within.

There are many beautiful things in the world. YOU can choose to be one with them. Still think you're not Beauty? Think again.

Saturday, February 23, 2008

The A to Z of Friendship!

So, what is a friend? He/she is somebody who:

A - accepts you as you are,
B - believes in you,
C - calls you just to say "Hi"
D - doesn't give up on you,
E - envisions the whole of you, including the parts-in-progress,
F - forgives your every mistake,
G - gives unconditionally for you,
H - helps you whenever you need it,
I - inspires you to be the best that you can be,
J - just happy to be with you,
K - keeps you close at heart, anytime, anywhere,
L - loves you for who you are,
M - makes a difference in your life,
N - never judges, no matter what you do,
O - offers support when you're feeling tired,
P - picks you up when you fall,
Q - quiets your fears if they arise,
R - raises your spirits when you're feeling down,
S - says nice things about you, yet
T - tells you the truth when you need to hear it,
U - understands you,
V - values you,
W - walks beside you in life,
X - explains things to you if you don't understand,
Y - yells at you when you won't listen, and
Z - zaps you back to reality!

It'd be cool to have friends like that, eh? Not so fast - in a deceitful world like this, driven by materialism, you'd be lucky to get someone to know you and like you well. Sometimes, you're already lucky that you're not betrayed outright.

There's only one way to make true friends - you gotta be one first. Love another as if he/she was already your best, true friend. If no response in kind was given, you are still blessed, for you can love a friend who doesn't loves you back in the same way. Being loved is bliss, but that of loving another is incomparable.

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Spoils that Ruins a Child's Life

If there's one thing I really detest among those my age, its spoilt brats. Why? They get their way too easily. When the adults start being strict, all they have to do is to use the tactics they know will work things their way - crying, pouting, throwing a tantrum and such - and sooner or later, somebody will give in to their wants. And guess what? They won't hesitate to do it again, and again, and again......

I had a kid cousin who was that sort of child. Man, you should see how he screws up his face and cry, throwing cushions about and delibrately hurrting himself, just to get out to buy an ice-cream! And he's not even nine years old. Now, one of the only relatives he didn't dare to come close to easily is me. Hehe, that's because I never comply with him if it's unreasonable and I can help it. Now, I'm crossing my fingers that he'll grow out of it soon. Or maybe he won't at all......

As for how you'll see if the kids (or guys) down the road are spoilt by their parents or guardians, there's many signs, both obvious and subtle, to look out for. Primarily, he'll always want things to go his way, and he'll often resort to tactics that follow the same pattern to do so. A spoilt person is also very mule-headed - you'd be hard-pressed to convince him to do anything he does not want to, taht is, if you make any progress at all. They usually care only for themselves, and wouldn't give a damn if someone else got hurt in any way just so long as they got what they want.

So, its urgent for parents and guardians to recognise and stamp out the spoiltness as soon as possible in children, otherwise they suffer from it as long as they had the attitude. When you interact with such a person, its best if you tell them where your lines are, and hold firm your ground if they crossed it. In this, you might make the person agitated or upset, but its better than to just lie down and be walked over by him.

In short, be strict, or you'll be downtrodden by these spoilt people forever.

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Chinese New Year - Totally New Experience.

This year's CNY was the most special for me - that's because I went to my mother's hometown for most of the holidays. That's 500 km++ from my house - my back hurts from more than 5 hours travelling in the car. Yet, the journey was nothing compared what I experienced there.

First off, let me try to describe my mother's external family to you. The matron was none other than my maternal grandmother, until she passed away a couple of years ago (mourning). After that, the family was divided into three generations. The eldest was the generation of my mum's - my aunts and uncles, who formed the "elders" of the clan. Next up is the Younger Generation A, which consists of my elder cousins, those who were already working, with some already married. The oldest among the group was cousin Kok Heng, married with a thirteen-year old daughter (So that makes me an uncle. Hehe). He was the undisputed ringleader, though he still refers to the elders for family decisions. Lastly, its the Younger Generation B, my age. Amongst them, I'm the third eldest. My niece was in this clique too.

Alright, back to the story. At the end of our journey, warm greetings were already in order. We greet our elders one by one, then clap the backs of those our ages. A little hustling was in order as my cousin Fong wanted to rub my lil' bro's head. Then, we stuff away the things we brought, giving the presents away to some relatives, and settled down for the reunion dinner on the CNY eve. However, there's too much of us for the table, so we take turns to eat our fill. Oops...

Skipping to CNY Day One...... My, my, those red packet stack everyone's holding must be half an inch thick! The elders are giving them out, but they still have a veritable stack left. And those of us that are still single...... I'll leave it to you to guess.

Reverting back to nighttime...... Of course, we play lots of...... music CDs, since firecrackers are not allowed. Still, it was a treat since we get to stay up until well past midnight playing about, something I can hardly do back home.

But, after all the things that we do as a family, there's more within than meets the eye. As I lie down in the wee hours of the morning, thinking, I came upon this conclusion - that its the family bond here that keeps us together, that makes me truly feel at home here. All in all, CNY is, of course, not about enjoying yourself until you reek of enjoyment - its about having and keeping a family that you truly belongs.

Happy New Year to you all, and may you and your families recieved the best blessings from everyone else.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Windows to the Soul

Most of the times, having the eyes of human - instead that of a cat or dog - is really, really cool. I'm talking about the one advantage our eyes have over other animal's - The ablity to percieve multiple types and shades of colour.

True, chickens and fishes have been proved to be able to recognised certain colours, but has any animal been proven to be ablle to see the world we do? To see a myriad of colours, to appreciate its beauty? Assuredly, canines couldn't, and neither could felines. They sacrificed that in order to obtain night vision or other adaptations to their other senses.

Yet, for me, I definitely could not trade my eyes for any other pair, beast or human. Even if they're already 1000 degrees near-sighted, with a couple hundreds in astigmatism. Oops...... Still, I guess these eyes are my own, and therefore are mine, since they let ohthers see into my soul the way other eyes couldn't. Also, I think my near-sightedness could be something to be proud of. I mean, have you ever known somebody who reached such a level of eyesight impair? Among my own friends, only one rivals mine.

Alright, enough about my eyes. Let's talk about those that belong to the citizens of the Animalia kingdom. Alright, sorry for the cats and dogs out there - no pun intended when I said you guys can't see in colour. That's because I did admire some features of your eyes - like the way they could percieve darkness that mine couldn't, not to mention the way they glow in the dark, reflecting the minimal light available. If I had that, maybe I could scare robbers off in the dead of the night. Right, wishing wistfully while moving on......

Hey, what 'bout yours? Yep, your eyes that you're using to read this post? Mind leave a comment and describe your eyes to me?

Thursday, January 3, 2008

Rolling Instead of Walking

"Wanna roll?"
"Then let's grab the skates."

This is the catch phrase for my pals when we met each other at the newest mall in town (okay, it's already been opened fo some months now) as an aproximately 50-square-metre skating ring opens up for business. Should you answer "No" to the first query, you get shunned way out of the clique.

What else could I do but to agree?

Luckily, my pals were decent enough not to laugh on my face when I told them it was a first for me. So, we paid for the ticket, changed our footwear, and started.

Turns out, I'm having three blisters the size of my thumb after one hour in the ring and about ten falls. Still, I think I get why the guys visited here every time they strolled over (other than to just pass the time, of course).

It takes practice, but after you got the hang of it, it feels awesome - the wind on your face even though the surrounding air wasn't moving, the way you zipped along mostly on one foot, looking as if you'll fall at the slightest provocation, but keeping your stance in perfect balance, the looks of awe on the faces of newbies as you rushed past them, you body inches from theirs... I can already imagine the scene, adrenaline pumping through my veins even when I'm not moving.

Even if my foot was aching murderously after the event (I came off last during an illegal race with my buddies) , I'd still jump on the chance to do it again after I'm healed. Though what may happen during, and after, the time remains unknown......