Thursday, November 22, 2007

What Will Leaders Do Without Followers? (or anything of the sort)

Doing chores upon my father's bidding, I suddenly come accross the thought, "Dad does the ordering, I do the working. If I'm not around, is Dad the one doing it instead of ordering?" Why, of course.

Well, in a group, people usually need one of themselves to lead the others, or they get confused about what should be done next. If everyone does their own stuff as an individual, what good would a group be?

What I would despise though, is the way some leaders would abuse their authority, such as lording people about to fulfil every single whim. To me, things like that only concern certain fields - Eg. you may be my boss at work, but when we clock out, there's no reason for you to ask me polish your shoes (even if I had to during work).

As everybody knows, a leader only exist when he/she has others to follow him/her, so a leader should place his/her own welfare after - and only after - the welfare of others. Doing otherwise ensures you get deserted, to state the obvious.

Maybe that's why democracy is so popular - when you don't like the leader, get everybody else to throw him down (and probably putting yourself up in the progress).

Hmm...... Cool idea.

As a saying goes, "An empire is like a tree - a king's the treetop, the citizens the roots. without the roots, the tree would surely fall." Let's hope the little cliche you're leading stays standing - you know how to maintain it so.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Religion - Its All In the Core

I'm quite sure that many of you out there believe that the Creator exist, albeit in the form that you believe Him to be. It is in this belief, thus formed the religions of the people in the world we now today. Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Christianism, and many others have brought mental peace within people, bolstering them with new strength and letting them see a new light in their lives.

Yet, sometimes, its inevitable that some followers may turn fanatic in their beliefs, and instead of giving what they can to aid others and spread love, they went and done something harmful, which may even be irreparable. Its not to say that the religions misled these people - merely that they pitifully saw the twisted truth in their own mind.

These people, fanatics if you will, failed to see the truth behind this - as well as all other good - religious beliefs - to spread love instead of harm is what we can and should do. Courage, passion, righteousness - these are among the qualities people shhould have, regardless of their religion. A religion is, among other things, a way for us to discover and utilise the good within us, so that we do not regress into the barbaric ways that are able to destroy us totally.

Yet, for those who maintain a belief other than ours, why shouldn't we show the same compassion for them as we have shown those whom we love because the two of us share the same religion? It is my opinion that a place of multi-religious people can and should love each other without any trappings, be it skin colour or beliefs.

It is the main message of religion that makes it revered - love. So, even though a man may not share your point of view in this delicate matter, so long as he/she loves you (in any way of relationship), it is your fortune to be loved so.

Education - What's Good for Whom

Sometimes, to say the least, education wears the passion out of youngsters. How many kids and teens out there like sitting still more than running around playing games? Not to say education was not fun at all, but really, not everyone can bring themselves to bear through the process of sitting quietly non-stop for eight hours a day, much less like it. Still, government policies made it so that it's the daily battle some have to struggle through during a period they call "term time", in modern countries.

Really, why should we just force knowledge into the next generation nowdays as if we are stuffing ingredients into a duck in preparation for the dish? As many would have known by now, not everyone can learn by simply sitting still and listen. There are much more who would rather take apart machines and rebuild them to learn how it works, who would rather live lterally in kitchens to finesse their art of cooking, and even those who would rather endure the heat of the desert just to uncover some artifact of a lost civilisation.

But, in their childhood years, when they would most likely develop a passion for somethiing they thought of pursuing as a life, they were forced to listen to teachers' lectures about ethics, literacy, history, etc. *sigh* When someone tries to protest, those who were for that type of "duck-stuffing" education just say, "They'll get through, like we did. It's all for their own good."


Please, everyone, why don't we just let them choose their path, their way of life? Children nowadays are becoming more matured than they were some generations ago. They were able to distinguish what they like from what they don't. So just trust the kids - let them do it their way. We only need to let let them know that we're there with them all the way, that we'll help if they need it.

Often, a single solution does not work for everyone. So help the next generation by letting them find theirs. Its one of the ways to let them retain their passion throughout their lives. Otherwise, we might indirectly snuffed it out, turning them into mindless minions walking the life laid down forcibly by others. This way, how could we evolve, how could we improve at all?