Tuesday, August 19, 2008

My Greens

When I came to brood about it on a dreary, moody day, I realized that half the plants grown in my house had already been there since I was a toddler. This means that we grew up under the same roof, cared for by my father. Half brothers, then.

The Cactus - This one stays in my living room all the time. It never gets out to enjoy direct sunlight nowadays, and hardly recieves any water at all. Still, it survives in a less-than-friendly environment. Even without the elements much plants would need to grow out of seedhood, it continues to stand proud, teaching me to not be down.

The Orchid - The subspecies that my father cares about the most, these orchids are beautifully, simple. There is no flair in them, yet they can struck quite a chord in the hearts of those who appreciate it. Still, I 'd like them more if they had fragrance.

The Bonsai - These little pot-plants have been twisted to form shapes my father desires. He uses copperwires to do the job. If you look closely, the stems actualy bulge out from the restricting coils, so the wire now cannot be pulled out ever again. Good thing my own life ain't that twisted, though sometimes I wish it wasn't as restricted.

The Lotus - Ahh, the gentleman of flowers. Surprisingly, their petals fall off soon after the flower blossom. That leaves the stalk in the middle, standing tall above the leaves and swaying in the wind. Its nakedness did nothing to dim its beauty, rather it made me thought otherwise.

So there it is, four amongst the plants that grew up with me. I wasn't much of a plant lover, but its great to just stare at them, take pictures of them, or even smell them - even though the plants are scentless.

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