Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Blue Wolf

Red sun, yellow skies, orange clouds,
Dawn to all those within darkness shrouded.
All brothers and sisters out there,
Cross not the teritory,
Nor the path that I bear.

Sprightly buck, helpless fawn, doe the protector,
Black moose, brown elk, forest conquerors.
All seemed alert and wary,
Yet myself they all overlooked easily.

Blue moon, black night,
Yet another meal that sustain the spark of another's life.
Deep snarl, loud cry,
That freezes all that listens,
As well as those within sight.

Small hill, tall pine,
A howl from the sillhoute that is mine.
Proud nature, cruel fate,
Tonight, who slumbers on,
And who stay awake?

She recited the verse in her heart, as she did so many times before -and, with the silent recital comes the question that finally comes out of the mouth, to the one who composed it, "But...... don't you ever feel lonely?"

He smiled at her, fully understanding that she could not yet comprehend the way he did for the very term 'lonely'. She is too young, after all - barely half his age, and at this time of her life, she's yet to cross the Rubicon and attend the baptism of fire. Still, his instincts told him sound and true - she is special compared to others her age. "Little one, when you lived as I did to my age, you'll learn to appreciate and enjoy being lonely."

"Really?" she sounds unconvinced. "Mama says that all of us will feel that need to mate, to form a pack on time or another. She says that it is what every wolf does."

Sadness flickered across his face, as his remembered his pack, his life in it, and the catastrophe that destroyed it, tearing almost everything he once held dear away from him. But he restrained his thoughts, hiding his emotional turmoil from the youngling in front of him, and said, "Well, I'm not your average wolf, now am I?"

When she did not respond, apparently in thought, he seized the chance and said, "Look, dusk is coming. You wouldn't want your parents to find you missing when they return from their hunting. Go back to your nest now."

When he said that, she'd usually hurry away with a hasty goodbye, but this time, her eyes bore into his for a moment before she opened her mouth, tried to speak, then closed it again with a shake of her head. Then, she turned around and padded away, reluctant to leave.

He watched her form disappeared into the bushes, his blue fur rippling as a breeze played around his form. There's something knowing in his eyes.

She will be back again. And, he will wait until she is mature enough, then he will tell her everything.

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