Tuesday, September 30, 2008

The Blue Wolf (Part 6)

Dusk. Ryanne sat resolutely in front of the cave, the place where she had met the mysterious rogue, Iatn. She sat, with patience she'd learned from him, determined to wait for him to appear and tell her the truth he promised her.

She was just about to give up when his voice rang out.

"So you're still here."


Ryanne couldn't help but cried out in joy, seeing him coming out of the shadows. She was close enough to hear him muttering, "Too bloody inquisitive for her own good." She didn't mind that.

"I suppose you want to hear my story now, so make yourself comfortable and listen carefully, because I'd only tell this once." That got Ryanne's ears pricked up. Se took her usual place, lying beside Iatn, as he started recounting the his life to this future fellow Traveller.

* * *

"I am once an Alpha-" Ryanne gasped, not out of surprise, but rather out of awe, "-I led my pack with my mate for some seasons. We had a good life - food was plentiful, the neighbouring packs were respectful to us as we were to them, and such. "

"Then, they came. Who they are, not one of us knows. They are not natural. These - monsters -" Iatn spat the word with absolute hatred, "- They destroyed our homes. They held me, watching helplessly as my mate, my brood was slain before my very eyes. Then, they release me, and vanish without a trace. "

"Ever since then, I've been travelling, moving from one place to the next, searching for them, wanting to avenge my pack or die in the process. Yet, I have found no scent, no trace, no sign of them. But during my travels, something happened to me. This had grown on me."

As Iatn spoke the last words, he reared up. Ryanne gasped as she saw a mark on his body, so familiar because she wore it herself on her right paw. On Iatn's stomach, lined in blue fur of lighter hue, was a newborn moon, under which a river of stars flow. Even though Iatn lay perfectly still, the flowing stars seemed ever undulating moving in front of Ryanne's eyes as patches of blue fur on Iatn's body changed hue to suit the movements of the celestial bodies. Ryanne's own symbol was much smaller, but it shared the similarity that the symbol moved too.

Once Iatn had laid down, he continued, "Wit this... symbol on my body, I found that I slowly became stronger, faster, physically better. There are other changes," He added when he saw curiosity in Ryanne's eyes, "But theos are for each Bearer, each Traveller to find out."

"What-" Ryanne began, but Iatn cut her short. "Now, let me finish my tale first. All will be told in time." When she fell silent' he continued, "At last, I found the desecrators of my pack in a faraway and desolate place. With my newfound strength, I defeated them, though not without undue effort. Since then, I have been wandering around, searching for you."

"For me?"

"Why yes, Ryanne. Now that I've found you, I now know that you are, not yet ready. For now, your life will not be troubled - trust me, that I will come for you again, and take you to the place where you will truly belong."

"But I belonged here-" Ryanne's protest died away when she realized that Iatn was no longer there. Not by stealth and speed - for she knew that no wolf can just slipped away beside another like what Iatn did. Ryanne had so many questions she'd want Iatn to answer, but now, she would have to wait for another time.

Looking out towards the moon, Ryanne silently made a promise. "We will meet again, Iatn. I trust you." Then, she padded back to her home, her right paw tingling as her own symbol flows.

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