Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Blue Wolf (Part 4)

The tension is nearly palpable. To Shyle's thinking, they were in a disadvantage. In the open, they'd lost their best form of offense and defense. Then there's the matter of their - her - young. No matter whether they win or lose, precious blood will be spilled before the sun rises again. This could bode ill for her pack's future.

She didn't spare much time brroding about this, because the humans were inching closer with each breath she draw. Carefully, she marked each human with their scent, tagged less than a dozen, including two muzzled hounds. With a silent signal, she ordered her pack to be ready. Then, she'd pounced.

As one, half her pack leaped into the bushes, every wolf aiming for their respective targets throats. They know well that this fight has to end as soon as possible, lest they suffer casualties that proved fatal in the long run.

The hound-mastiff's were the first blood shed. Shyle's mate ripped his throat before he'd even release his hold on the dogs' rein and muzzle. With a primal growl, Shyle sent those half-cousins away, tails between knees. Her own target was similarly killed, but one of her wolves was shot through her skull.

Shyle could smell their remaining foes breaking ranks and retreating, and she barked an order to restrain them from giving chase. Too late, she sensed one left still standing. The human was now cocking his gun, aiming it at her beloved daughter, along with the other helpless young. None of her pack, including herself, was near enough to knock him down, rip his throat. Shyle watched, almost helplessly, as the human male pulled back the finger hooking the trigger.

* * *

He was waiting for this all along.

Admittedly, he'd realised soon enough that the humans couldn't have possibly win against such a large, vigilant pack. Yet, he stayed and watched, in case there was something he'd have to do.

There. That's it. The fight was won, right after it had begun. It was two wolves against one man, two wolves as determined to protect their pack as the humans were to completely erradicated the threat to their village. There was no question.

Yet, his target wasn't cowed by the odds. Their was an odd glint in the human's eye, now that he was close enough to observe. Suddenly, he realised it: the look of a creature who also had something held precious destroyed right in front of his eyes.

The human raise his gun, oblivious to the danger. Following the human's aim, his heart jolted when he'd seen the target. Her!

Without a second thought, he pounced, fangs aiming for the back of the human's neck. The force of his leap knocked the human's aim skywards, missing the cluster of young cubs and nearly grazing a wolf in the human's path. Before the human can react, he sink his teeth down on the humans neck, breaking his spine.

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