Monday, September 8, 2008

The Blue Wolf (Part 3)

The hunters are closing in on the pack's resting grounds. As they moved, he noticed one of them, a lean, gaunt, bearded man, who moved with a grace and determination that matched the blaze in his eye - the right one was covered by an eye patch. He'd presumed he was blinded. That human was definitely the leader of the ragged group.

He called them "ragged" because aside from their leader, all of them humans would never stand a match against a true wolf. He could tell that these humans were hunting wolves because they need to do it. Her pack probably have been feeding off their lifestock lately, leaving them without a means of food for the coming winter.

No matter. He's a wolf, and though rogues don't normally interfere with problems of another wolf pack, he'd prefer the victory of his own kind against those despicable humans. He'd immediately marked the gaunt leader as his primary target, though he'd need a distraction to close in unawares on the human.

* * *

Shyle lied on her stomach, having eaten a full meal. Her daughter laid beside her, seemingly brooding. Shyle put it as her daughter having a moody fit. Not fitting for being a warrior and alpha in-making. She'd have to find a way to root it out sooner or later.

Little did she know that her daughter was thinking about a rogue she'd been meeting with for some time.

Suddenly, her sentinels let out a warning yip. Humans! Shyle immediately got on guard, followed by her daughter. wondering zhat foolishness caused the humans to track them this far, Shyle nevertheless issued orders to form a protective circle around the young. She will protect her pack, no matter the threat or the outcome, because she hold her family - especially her only daughter who'd survived after birth - dearer to her heart than her life. To forfeit her pack, would mean to forfeit her honour and her life.

As her mate took his place beside her, Shyle dropped, preparing to pounce at the slightest hint of her enemies' whereabouts.

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