Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Who are We to Judge?

As it is, there are lots of things shunned by the norm of our societies. Marrying one's teacher, for example, would definitely be shocking news indeed to those who know of it. But as people's minds are progressing, some parts of the so-called "norm" were abolished. Still, too much remains. There are some things that were of no bad consequence at all, yet still banished by the people in general simply because they cannot stand the insult to their long-standing beliefs.

For some instance, when presented with an idea that proved better than the "society norm" way, most people will simply reject it because "Its simply not the way it should be." Especially when these ideas involve "untouchable" issues.

Truly, tradition did arise from generations of accumulated wisdom, but sometimes, why not rebel against it if the act is logical? After all, there are some aspects in tradition that could be refined so as to adapt to the difference in modern lives. I would not want to offend anyone by disrespecting the old ways, but I hope that being skeptical and logical in life would be far better than being a tad superstitious. There may be boundaries that are set for our good, but there are also boundaries that are made to be pushed against if we were to achieve new heights in the world.

In the end, the point is: who are we to judge others simply because they are different? We are but fellow people compared to them, just less... eye-catching. So we should just accept people for who they are, while changing things that can be changed for the better.

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