Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Got the balls to floor it?

So, if you're from Asia, partucularly Malaysia, let me introduce you to a sport - floorball. If you're an European, I don't see any reasons why you don't know this game - unless you've been too busy to care about anything in the world, that is.

Now, back to floorball. It's sort of like floor hockey, only the sticks are lighter (no more serious injuries) and the puck is replaced by a hollow plastic ball (safe projectile to hit in games). YOU play it in teams of threes or fives, give or take the keeper. The team who scores the most in the three 20-minutes session wins (duh!)

Well, I got to know this game two years ago, when the local club actually come to my high school in my first year there to ormote the sport. However, my interests are sparked only about three months ago in a fit of deja vu when the same local club put up an article on the newspaper. I went to check it out with 'couple of my friends, and voila! I got hitched on and am playing regularly now.

What the game requires is a stick per player (about 80 USD each), a ball (<5>, as it's equipments are made for floorball enthusiasts, by floorball enthusiasts. You can check out the Canadien official website for more details, such as your local retailer or even special events.

All in all, this is a sport like many others - sportsmanship, teamwork and personal skills being of the same importance and all that - but it is actually fun. As it isn't very popular yet, you had a great chance in making it a hit. Should you suceeded, you could take it on to a higher level and become a bigger star. Think of this - the first members of the teams of the English Floorball League! How awesome is that?

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