Monday, November 12, 2007

Religion - Its All In the Core

I'm quite sure that many of you out there believe that the Creator exist, albeit in the form that you believe Him to be. It is in this belief, thus formed the religions of the people in the world we now today. Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, Christianism, and many others have brought mental peace within people, bolstering them with new strength and letting them see a new light in their lives.

Yet, sometimes, its inevitable that some followers may turn fanatic in their beliefs, and instead of giving what they can to aid others and spread love, they went and done something harmful, which may even be irreparable. Its not to say that the religions misled these people - merely that they pitifully saw the twisted truth in their own mind.

These people, fanatics if you will, failed to see the truth behind this - as well as all other good - religious beliefs - to spread love instead of harm is what we can and should do. Courage, passion, righteousness - these are among the qualities people shhould have, regardless of their religion. A religion is, among other things, a way for us to discover and utilise the good within us, so that we do not regress into the barbaric ways that are able to destroy us totally.

Yet, for those who maintain a belief other than ours, why shouldn't we show the same compassion for them as we have shown those whom we love because the two of us share the same religion? It is my opinion that a place of multi-religious people can and should love each other without any trappings, be it skin colour or beliefs.

It is the main message of religion that makes it revered - love. So, even though a man may not share your point of view in this delicate matter, so long as he/she loves you (in any way of relationship), it is your fortune to be loved so.


  1. hi, nice to meet u!! not a bad blog... im quite interested in yr private life...comon lets chit chat...1st id like to intro anonymous frm CGL(convent green lane) fren told tat ur quite hot...but i saw u tat day, u look quite sucking... by the way id like to drop u a comment "FUCK YOU" !!!may i noe more about u??

    im jessica,15(waiting for u to reply)
